Browse through our white papers addressing topics
relating to a wide range of Records and Document Management issues
Hosting RecFind 6 (PDF)
SaaS is the acronym for ‘Software as a Service’ and it is usually
used to describe a ‘hosted’ software application. In
previous times we also described this model as ASP or
‘Application Service Provider’...more »
Integrating with Microsoft SharePoint (PDF)
SharePoint is a great tool for corporate portals and it has
all the functionality required to integrate it to any
application or data source. However, building integration
requires a clear idea of what is required
...more »
Integrated versus Federated Records Management Solutions (RMS) (PDF)
This is a topic that should be of great interest to all records managers as it refers to the basic architecture of an RMS and to the particular and very different RM controls that need to be in place to accommodate either the integrated or federated design ...more »
Do you really need a Taxonomy/Classification Scheme with a Records Management System? (PDF)
Do we need a classification system (Taxonomy) when computerizing records or do we just need a way to index and then search for information? ...more »
Shared Drives/Folders Problem (PDF)
Everyone knows that shared drives waste an enormous amount of people’s time and are a virtual ‘black hole’ for both important documents and productivity. No one has had a solution to this vexing problem until now ...more »
A Knowledge Management System - A Discourse (PDF)
Yes, Knowledge Management (KM) is hard to define because it means different things to different people and it continues to evolve. Let’s not restrict evolution by applying and enforcing hard and fast, finite and restrictive definitions
...more »
SharePoint - A Primer: An overview for records, document and ECM Managers (PDF)
So, you have decided to build your application solution using Microsoft's SharePoint system or, more likely, someone high in IT has told you that you will have to use SharePoint. What does this mean?
...more »
Changing Records Management from a Cost-centre to a Profit-centre (PDF)
In a previous presentation to the NSW RMAA Frank McKenna (CEO of Knowledgeone Corp) mentioned that records management professionals should consider changing records from a cost-centre to a revenue-centre. This paper explains how this can be done ...more
Technology as a Tool - Where is Records and Document Management Heading? (PDF)
When asked to speak at the NSW RMAA Seminar on 'Technology as a Tool' Frank McKenna (CEO of Knowledgeone Corp) provided the following assessment ...more
Solving the Integration Problem - Knowledgeone versus Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Developments (PDF)
Technology integration costs industry millions of dollars every year. Will SOA development solve the integration problem or will Generic Application Solutions (GAS) like
Knowledgeone be a better solution ...more »
Whatever Happened to the Knowledge Management Revolution? (PDF)
This paper defines what a Knowledge Management (KM) system should be, the issues faced by organizations implementing a Knowledge Management system and what you should be doing about Knowledge Management now ...more »
Six Reasons Why Organizations Don't Manage Emails Effectively (PDF)
When InfoRMAA Quarterly (IQ) magazine asked Frank McKenna CEO of Knowledgeone Corp) why Email Management is proving such a problem for companies and government agencies around the world, this is how he summed up the problems and the solutions ...more »
Implementing Electronic Document Management (EDM) (PDF)
A successful Electronic Document Management (EDM) should 'capture' all information held by an organization and make it accessible, whether it is paper, electronic or tacit. This document explains how to implement a complete EDM
solution - it explains the value of an EDM system, the necessity for someone to take ownership/leadership and provides an outline of an EDM project plan ...more »
The Need to Manage Emails (PDF)
This paper discusses the reasons for managing emails, how to make emails part of your records management policy and procedures, retention schedules for emails, the challenges of solving SPAM, the Knowledgeone Corp tools to capture,
analyze, index, store and retrieve emails ...more »
Handling Executive Level Correspondence (PDF)
Executive Level Correspondence is an important document designated for a CEO, a Minister of the Government or the Head of a Government Department. It is crucial that Executive Level Correspondence (ELC) is managed in the most
expeditious and secure manner from the time of its receipt to the final response and 'closure'. This document explains how ELCs should be handled and how Knowledgeone Corporation products can make this process as easy as possible ...more »
Love on the Net
The email is a wondrous and multifaceted thing. How blithely we regard it with no thought to the stupendous expansion of human-to-human communications ...more »
Emails, GroupWise & Records Retention (PDF)
All organizations, whether government or private, are required by law to manage emails as corporate records. Very few organizations do so. This paper looks at four pre-requisites to correct Email Management and recommends tools for capturing GroupWise emails ...more »
Thin Client Versus Fat Client Computing (PDF)
Frank McKenna provides a comprehensive analysis on Thin Client versus Fat Client computing - the costs involved and reasons why organizations would want to move to Thin Client computing ...more »
The Layman's Guide to Thin Client Computing (PDF)
This paper explains in simple terms the principles and
benefits of Thin Client computing ...more »
The Thin Client - The Next Panacea? (PDF)
This paper discusses the death of client/server architecture and the coming Thin Client revolution, what do thin clients offer the enterprise, why enterprises should move to thin client computing and what path the thin client revolution
will take ...more »
Knowledge Management - The Next Challenge (PDF)
Examines the Knowledge Management (KM) revolution - how it differs from Information Management (IM) ...more »
Information & Records Management Towards 2000 - Electronic Document Management Principles (PDF)
What is Electronic Document Management, why is it important, will the principles still be the same in 2000 and beyond ...more »
Using Technology as a Surrogate for Managing and Capturing Vital Paper Based Records (PDF)
The purpose of this paper is to define what a vital record is and the various types of technology that can be used to store vital records so that they can be retrieved and viewed
in the future ...more »
Document Management, Records Management, Image
Management, Workflow Management...What? - The I.D.E.A (PDF)
Do you have to have a separate system for Document, Records, Image and Workflow Management or is it possible to have one Enterprise-wide Document Management System? This paper talks about the development of "It Does Everything Applications" (IDEA) which will share a standard interface, be seamlessly integrated and link dynamically to other application
processing systems ...more »