Downloads / Service Packs
RecFind 6 Version 2.4.1
RecFind 6 Version 2.4.1 is an update to the Web Client & Mini-API component. There is no v2.4.1 update for any other components.
The Web Client & Mini-API component is a separately licensed module and may not be applicable to your installation. To view the components you are licenced for, refer to the "Manage Licences" screen in the RecFind 6 DRM.
This update introduces a number of new features to the Web Client that are already present in the smart client. This update will not make any database changes nor affect any other component.
For a complete list of these changes please refer to the 'Release Notes' (see below).
This service pack can be applied by customers with RecFind 6 version 2.4 installed.
Customers MUST have already installed RecFind 6 v2.4 and performed the database upgrade prior to installing this update.
Release Notes
To view release notes, click here.
Note: Adobe Acrobat Viewer is required to view the release notes.
Download - Add-on Components