Knowledgebase & FAQ

RecFind2K1 Error during "Reloading Application variables" phase


When running a RecFind2K1 conversion, at the "Reloading Application variables" an error occurs.


This is caused by the RecFind2K1 conversion program been unable to restart the K1 web site. This is generally caused by entering the incorrect server details during the installation of the RecFind2K1 conversion program.


Note: At this point of the conversion the process has completed copying your RecFind database. Manually restarting the IIS Admin Service and it's dependencies will achieve the same result.

To correct this issue:

  1. Using Notepad (or a text editor) load the RecFind2K1.exe.config file located in the directory where RecFind2K1 was installed. By default this is "c:\Program Files\Knowledgeone Corporation\RecFind2K1 Converter".
  2. Located the following line:
    <add key="WebServiceURL" value="http://myk1server/K1/WebServices/" />
  3. Ensure that the server name (highlighted in blue) and web site name (highlighted in red) are correct for your site.

Should you wish to re-run your RecFind2K1 conversion you will need to restore the backup taken prior to commencing the conversion.

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