13. When I open a module in RecFind I get 'GMB internal error 90 operating system error 100 (duplicate key value)'.
Starting a module in RecFind generates 'GMB internal error 90, operating system error 100 (duplicate key value)'.
Due to a network disconnection or system crash, index records are corrupted or duplicated.
Included in the error message will be the file name with the problem. From the UNIX command line, go to the RecFind application directory. Execute the following command:
$ dcheck -bye path/filename
(where path is the directory where the file in the error message is located and the filename is the file that the error occurs on)
The above command will drop and rebuild the index file for the file with the error message.
UNIX D-ISAM RecFind v2.5.1 or above Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows NT.
duplicate, key, internal, error, 90, operating, system.
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