Knowledgebase & FAQ

16 May 2006

How long will RecFind be supported now that Knowledgeone K1 has been released?

From the very beginning of the Knowledgeone K1 project we told all customers that we would not drop support for RecFind. In fact we said, "We will continue to support RecFind as long as customers use it", many, many, many times.

We have also repeated this same answer many times in response to questions from individual customers. We have further told everyone that the expected life of RecFind is at least another five (5) years.

We continue to update and develop RecFind (5.0.0F is on the website as a download and we are now working on version 6.0). We have just released a new version of RecCapture for RecFind and a new lower cost, 'packaged' version of RecFind suitable for small sites (1 to 5 users) that does not require the customer to buy and configure a database management system like Oracle or SQL Server. This version of RecFind is called RecFind-Corporate 'Lite' and is available on our ecommerce website. We are also continuing to run RecFind training courses (see our website) and offer RecFind consultancy services and have also just released a new 'Health Check' service for both Knowledgeone K1 and RecFind sites.

RecFind is alive and well and we are in fact selling significantly more RecFind software in 2006 year than we did in 2005.

Because RecFind and Knowledgeone K1 are so totally, absolutely different in architecture, technology and look and feel we understand that some customers will prefer RecFind and some will prefer Knowledgeone K1. We fully understand that some customers are still coming to grips with Knowledgeone K1 simply because it is so totally, absolutely different from RecFind - Knowledgeone K1 really is a wholly new genre of application software, a true .NET, generic application solution and knowledge management solution. This is why we are now a two product company. We market and support both the RecFind and Knowledgeone K1 product suites and will continue to do so for at least the next five years.

Knowledgeone K1 was shipped to a large number of RecFind customers around the world as part of a special 'one-off' deal on the maintenance agreement. Those same customers also received a special conversion program that converts the RecFind data model and all processes to Knowledgeone K1 in a single-button, fully automatic process. We would certainly like these customers to all convert to Knowledgeone K1 because we are proud of what we have achieved and because Knowledgeone K1 is infinitely more powerful and flexible. Knowledgeone K1 really does empower the customer in a way RecFind can't. Knowledgeone K1 can provide a Return On Investment (ROI) many times that of conventional application products because it can be used to solve multiple business problems.

In summary and in response to all of you who have asked the question, we love RecFind and we certainly love our loyal RecFind customers and would never do anything to jeopardize those relationships. RecFind is alive and well and looks to have a very long and active life ahead of it.


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